養生氣功八段錦同學會 Eight Steps to Healthy Living
養生氣功八段錦同學會Eight Steps to Healthy Living

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Ba Duan Jin

Ba Duan Jin


Ba Duan Jin is a form of qigong.  Through the movement of the external body parts to stimulate the various meridian inside the body.


There is a total of 8 movements.  Each movement has its benefit and together they stimulate the 12 meridian inside us.  It is very easy to master and the benefit is quick to effect.


This kind of qigong focus on the breathing.  Through deep and slow breathing method, it will allows the muscles to relax and our mind to be calm.  The brain will get a chance to rest and more oxygen and nutrients will reach the individual cells.

1. Two hands supporting the sky - (regulates all internal organs) 

Start with arms by sides, feet slightly apart, breathe in as your arms start rising from the sides of the body, watch your hands coming together above the head (continue to watch your hands throughout the exercise). Do a stretch from the torso as if reaching for a ball, then relax, exhale and lower the arms in front so arms are parallel to each other and continue to hold the ball, once hands are in front of the chest push palm forward, still exhaling, fingers pulled back so there is tension at wrist area, then start inhaling while moving hands up to ceiling, push up as if to support the sky, release (exhale) and lower hands to belly button area and right hand ends up in left hand with thumbs touching. (Do 7 Times)

2. Drawing bows left and right

Feet together, exhale as you step out your left foot (slightly wider than shoulders) then bend knees and tilt hips upwards, start inhaling as left hand touches front area of right shoulder, right forearm crosses over left forearm, look left, imagine now that you are pulling on the string of the bow with your right hand, elbow is high so bent arm is parallel with floor, left palm pushes to left side with index and thumb extended and other fingers curled into palm, vision is between index and thumb, push chest out, exhale as you release arrow (open hands) and continue to watch left hand as it comes in towards centre of chest area where now right hand meets, place right hand into left hand and bring hands to below belly button, left foot slides into right foot so feet are together, now do right side.  (Do 7 sets)

3. Single hand pushing up - (helps the spleen and stomach)

(Reaching for Light Bulb) Feet apart slightly, right hand on hip, left arm at side, from side of eye focus on index and middle fingers, chest stays parallel to front throughout exercise, inhale as you start raising left hand towards rear, (do large circle), and raise arm up until hand is towards ceiling, imagine stretching briefly to reach for a light bulb, release, exhale as you lower arm in front of body so forearm is perpendicular to floor, once hand is at chest area push palm forward, continue to exhale till palm pushes furthest, then start inhaling and move the hand up toward the sky, torso stretch and push wrist of hand to ceiling briefly, then reach for light bulb and start exhaling as you lower hand all the way down to side of body, inhale as left hand comes up to hip and exhale as right hand releases hip and comes down to side, repeat with right hand.  (Do 7 sets)

4. Turning head to look left and right - (relaxes the neck muscles)

Hands on hips, feet slightly apart, chest stays parallel to front throughout entire exercise, start to inhale as you turn head to the left side as far as you can go comfortably and the eyes are looking as far left back as they can go, lifting the torso while turning head, exhale as head return back to centre and torso goes back to relaxed position, switch to right side.  (Do 7 sets)

5. Pointing tailbone left and right - (eases heart burnt)

Feet together, hands rise up from sides of body to above head, dive forward with body and arms moving straight in unison, legs stay straight, once body and arms are parallel to floor release arms until they come to knee area, make sure neck is straight and release any tension in lower back, head and body stay forward throughout exercise, weight is slightly to front of feet, breathe in as you point your hips to left side and exhale as hips come back to centre, inhale as hips point to right side and exhale as hips come back to centre, Do 3 sets then release arms and inhale as you raise the body up, then complete with a set of 4.  (Total of 7 sets)

6. Both hands reaching the ground - (strengthen kidney and waist)

Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, arms rest at sides, breathe in and then exhale as you bend knees, breathe in as your head tilts back (should feel stretch in front of neck area), exhale as you lean back like a rag doll and make sure buttocks is tightened, inhale as you bring hands above face, straighten up the body and exhale as you dive forward, touch hands to floor if possible (legs are straight and should feel stretch in back of legs), release, arms should be dangling, inhale as you slowly start raising your body up, (imagine the crown of your head has a string attached to it and is being pulled upwards).  (Do 7 times)

7. Lifting fists - (generate energy)

Feet slightly apart with toes pointing inwards to centre (pigeon toed), arms are at sides with hands open and palms facing front, gently close hands as if holding onto an egg (remember not to break the eggs), breathe in as hands come up underneath the armpits (don't lift shoulders), squeeze elbows inwards and lift heels off the floor, exhale as you release hands (open hands) and bring them forward, turn palm over so they are facing the floor and push down, once hands reach below belly button turn hands over until palms face forward and arms are beside body and repeat.  (Do 7 times)

8. Bouncing on the toes - (rids sickness)

Feet are at least shoulder width wide and feet are parallel, bend body forward, bend the knees, bring head back so chin is parallel to floor, arms are hanging in front, now start sitting down on an empty chair and then get up, at the same time lift heels off the floor, total up and down movement is 4 to 6 inches or 10 to 15 centimeters, Hips, knees and ankles are moving at the same time (in unison), allow arms and shoulders to bounce on their own with the up and down motion.  (Do 100 times)